Tilt was at FAB14 in Toulouse, France this July!

Every year, the 1,000 members of the global Fab Lab network and their partners come together to share, discuss, collaborate and create communities around different local and global interests on the topics of innovation, digital manufacturing, technology and technology. their economic and social impacts.

After Shenzhen and Santiago de Chile, it was Toulouse's turn in July 2018! According to Neil Gershenfeld: "In ten years, we have gone from 1 to 1,000 fablabs. For the next ten years we are on our way to the million. "

And this year, the theme was "Fabricating Resilience". Perfect for Tilt Public whose goal is to strengthen the ability of individuals and territories to innovate in the event of natural disasters.

Saturday's workshop consisted of brainstorming on what could be a DIY survival kit in the event of a natural disaster. We worked on the form, content and skills to acquire. 5 nationalities gathered around the table for this giant brainstorming.

Thanks to the participants and FAB14 organization!

The results in photo!